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The ceremony of inauguration of Maison Chance Social Centre in Dak Nong

The Maison Chance Social Center in Dak Nong has been officially inaugurated this Saturday, 14th of December 2019. Many donators who supported us from the inception to the implementation participated to the ceremony.

The event, to which organizations and companies like Kind Heart Foundation (Vingroup), Hoa Binh Construction group, Hoa Sen group, Phuc Sinh, Bitex, Bonne Etoile, Vietnamese Union of Friendship Organizations in Ho Chi Minh City, Maison Chance Suisse, le consulate general of Switzerland in Ho Chi Minh City took part, unfolded in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Furthermore, local authorities, individual donors, parents of pupils, beneficiaries and staff members of Maison Chance.

The committee chair of Maison Chance, Anne Butt Revaz and the consulate general of Switzerland in Ho Chi Minh City have congratulated the efforts and contributions of Maison Chance for supporting the underprivileged people et have wished a good development to the center and continue on this way.

On behalf of Maison Chance, Tim has expressed her sincere gratitude towards the donators for their endless support aimed at disadvantaged children and handicapped people of Dak Nong, one of the poorest regions of Vietnam. As an expression of gratitude, the children have offered the guests performances full of colors and emotions.

After the ceremony of inauguration, some guests have visited the rooms of children, the classrooms, the gardens, the medical rooms… They have also taken some time to speak with the children to gain insight on their life at the center.

Currently, the Maison Chance Social Center in Dak Nong fosters about 161 beneficiaries whose the majority are children from ethnic minorities families with difficulties backgrounds and children with physical and/or psychological handicap. In the future, the new center of Maison Chance, with a capacity to foster 250 persons, will keep opening its doors for the underprivileged people in order to help them having a brighter future.

Maison Chance would like to express its most warm and sincere gratitude towards all organizations, companies and individual donators that helped us to achieve this milestone. Maison Chance need this precious support to keep insuring a better quality of life to the less fortunate in Vietnam. We sincerely hope that we will keep benefiting from your full support to reach other objectives. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you very much.

Translate: Dan-Thomas