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Weekly English Class for our Beneficiaries at Take Wing Center

Thanks to the partnership with the ILA English Center, language teacher Ekta who already teaches for a year in Vietnam, comes once a week to our center to give English lessons. This offer is very much appreciated by our inquisitive English learners because wheelchair-bound, they have difficulties to move to the ILA classes. Unfortunately, many facilities in Vietnam are not adapted to people in wheelchairs.

The English level of the students is varied, therefore the group is heterogeneous.

Some are already really good at speaking English while others could use some help. However, the enthusiasm is the same across the board. They’re all very eager to learn which makes teaching all the more fun for me!”, Ekta emphasizes the motivation of her students and enjoys their positivity towards learning something that is new to them.

For their part, students from the Take Wing Center are delighted to benefit from her help and see learning English as a new opportunity for social and professional integration.

Thank you to the new teacher, who already feels very welcomed and loved by the students for her dynamic teaching!

Text: Eléonore