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Léo, our massage therapist volunteer

Léo is a 64-year-old-French-Canadian massage therapist. Caring, open-minded and outgoing, he is currently working as a volunteer for Maison Chance. He provides massages and a follow-up and support to a lot of our beneficiaries, as well as disadvantaged and handicapped children and adults of the neighborhood.

During his time at Maison Chance, he has proven his great abilities as well as his kindness and devotion to help others. He cares deeply about his patients and is willing to teach our staff how to provide massages that can help the patients in their daily life.

Unfortunately, Léo is going home next week, and both Maison Chance beneficiaries and staff will miss him. We all hope that he will be able to come back next year and give a hand here in Saigon, or in our new center in Dak Nong! Maison Chance wishes him safe travels back to Quebec and all the best for the future!

Thank you so much for being part of this journey Léo!

Post: Philippine