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Don’t think it, do it!

Dr Phillip Lam is an experienced dentist from Australia. He is also the founder of ...

The infirmary and kinesitherapy room in Dak Nong

Maison Chance Social Center in Dak Nong was created to provide a lifelong living for ...

International Day of People with Disabilities at Village Chance

December 3 was chosen as the International Day for People with Disabilities to raise awareness ...

Maison Chance at BEF event

On December 1st and 2nd, Maison Chance participated in the festival “Balade en France”, organized ...

Celebration of Teacher Day November 20

Long ago, November 20 has been chosen as “Teacher Day” in Vietnam. On this day, ...

Meeting with Tim in Montreal, October 2018

After each meeting with Tim’s benefactors, thousands of confusing feelings flood into my heart, it’s ...

The visit of Marc Lavoine at the Village Chance

On November 4, 2018, Maison Chance had the pleasure of welcoming Marc Lavoine, famous singer-songwriter, ...

Exchange week with students from Republic Polytechnic, Singapore

There are various signs of success. One of them is international cooperation. For non-governmental organizations ...

The full moon on the new social center

Mid-Autumn Festival is the second-biggest traditional festival in Vietnam after Tet, the Vietnamese lunar new ...

Mid-Autumn Festival celebration with Aeon group

For the occasion of Mid-Autumn Festival 2018, Maison Chance was pleased to welcome the leaders ...