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The Exciting Atmosphere To Welcome The Opening Ceremony

Sharing the atmosphere of the whole country, the opening ceremony of Village Chance Primary School this year was held in a simple, solemn manner and filled with a joyful atmosphere. Although it only took place in a short time, it was full of emotions with the speeches and musical performances „home-made“ by the students of Village Chance Primary School.

We are very grateful for the presence of the delegates, the teachers and students of Village Chance Primary School. At the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Het – Secretary of the Union of Binh Hung Hoa A Ward gave flowers to congratulate teachers and students on the occasion of the new school year.

The sound of the school drum also signals the beginning of a new school year. We wish all students will have a successful school year, tried your best and study hard for a brighter future.

Translate: Y Nam