
46.20 $

Material: Aventurine
Weight: 128 g
Dimensions: 6.5 x 3.0 x 6.4 cm
Code: TU08

Hotline: 0909 06 25 28

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Stepping into your space, you want something special, not just an ordinary decoration, but also a symbol of luck and prosperity. That’s exactly what the Aventurine Goat Statue from Maison Chance is – not just a decorative item, but a tale of abundance and power.

Precious stone statue of a horse

Aventurine material, with its sparkling beauty, symbolizes prosperity and luck. Each statue is crafted by the skilled hands of talented artisans from Maison Chance, where art and power combine to create a magnificent masterpiece.

Place this statue anywhere in your space – on your desk, coffee table, or bookshelf – and you’ll feel the change in the surrounding space. It’s not just a decorative item but also a symbol of luck and success, igniting positive energy in every moment.

Precious stone statue of a horse

No matter your zodiac sign, the Aventurine Goat statue remains an ideal choice to bring luck and fortune to you and your family. In Feng Shui, the goat is a symbol of wealth and prosperity, and with the power of Aventurine gemstone, it becomes an undeniable source of positive energy.

Join Maison Chance, not only to own a unique decoration but also to support disabled artisans and spread kindness in the community. Place an Aventurine Goat statue in your living space now and witness the power of the combination of precious stone and luck!