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A Painting – A Team Effort

To express our gratitude to GAP – one of the first participants in the collective sponsorship program, a small art project was undertaken at Village Chance. Sponsored by Gap since their early primary school days, Class 4 demonstrated excellent teamwork and impressive artistic talent under the supervision of Miss Phuong, a volunteer artist.

Choosing a common theme to paint within this class of about thirty pupils is not easy! Especially when all children have their own ideas and styles, although some ideas look like each other a bit or even a lot. To address this, a show of hands vote is organized under Miss Phuong’s direction.

After the vote, five drawings are selected to move on to the second phase. The top five painters then have the chance to present the idea of their creation to the jury before the final choice is made. Speaking in front of all their classmates suddenly becomes both fun and embarrassing.

With the final theme decided, the class immediately gets to work. A first group of students is tasked with sketching shapes and characters on the canvas based on the initial drawing. The first pencil strokes are a bit hesitant, but as they go along, our little artists become more confident.

A second group sets about tracing the tableau in color. And here, there is an interesting discovery: many boys show themselves to be very talented, skillful, and surprisingly patient.

The characters of the painting gradually come to life thanks to the creativity of our artists. There are always at least five or six little hands working at the same time and taking turns to animate the painting without creating any disputes. A harmonious atmosphere prevails in the classroom. Art indeed has the impressive ability to bring everyone together.

Another surprise: at least two painters are left-handed. Like the one in the photo who just broke his right hand and lends his artist’s pen to make a final touch to the painting.

And there it is, the final painting! The result of four sessions of serious and harmonious work. The project has thus achieved its objective: an acrylic painting on canvas has come to life to express the childhood dreams and gratitude of the children towards the GAP partner. Through all these stages, the students were able to discover and develop a new artistic talent. It was a rewarding and joyful experience for everyone.

Artistic coordinator: Phuong NGUYEN
Project managers: Thao PHAN, Clara BOURHIS