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The Drawing Competition at Maison Chance Daknong

On 12/12/2020, Maison Chance Center in Dak Nong Province honorably welcomed the General Director of Roche Vietnam – Mr. Qa Deer Raza, and his associates. They awarded the students who participated in the Central Highlands Theme Drawing Competition sponsored by Roche Vietnam.

The organization board offered the theme “Central Highlands,” which is the unique local culture of Dak Nong Province, where the fourth center of Maison Chance is situated. The idea is to provoke and educate students to conserve and sustain and be proud of the ethnic minority community’s beauty and cultural characteristics here.

Although the contest was only held for the first time, it attracted more than 100 students to participate with aspirations and dreams conveyed from the perspective of those little amateur painters. After three months of competition, the contest has ended with a first prize, a second prize, a third prize, and 27 consolation prizes. On top of that, the 13 most beautiful paintings were chosen by Roche Vietnam to print on the New Year 2021 calendar. Approximately 10,000,000 people everywhere will enjoy the paintings on the calendar.

The award ceremony was opened by the third prize of Thao Thi Ly (4th-grade student) with the theme “Brocade weaving.” The colorful clothes, which are the Central Highlands ethnic minority’s outfits, are handcrafted from the woman’s skillful hands with the loom. Through the painting, she cleverly conveyed and spread the traditional craft “brocade weaving” of her ethnic people to the viewers.

The second prize winner of the contest is the painting titled “Good horse, enjoy your food!” by Nguyen Huu Bao (5th-grade student).

The first prize was awarded to Song Thi Pang (4th-grade student) with her painting with the theme “Suspension Bridge.” With this painting, she showed the cultural space of the enduring beauty of Central Highlands’ majestic mountains to the viewers.

In addition to the first, second, and third prizes, the organization board awarded 27 consolation prizes to encourage and motivate their spirit of learning and love for the arts.

Closing the ceremony was the gift-giving to two instructors, Dang Van Tai and Do Minh Tam. They are the disabled beneficiaries who have lived, studied, and worked for a long time at Maison Chance. With extraordinary courage and spiritual strength through long years of disabled, they have surpassed their fate to dedicate themselves to art in particular and to the cause of developing underprivileged children in general. They are great examples for young beneficiaries to follow.

Translate: Toan Nguyen