Fashion Bag FBTCJE07

11.80 $

The product is handcrafted by unfortunate disabled individuals, and we sincerely hope to receive the support of our valued customers.

Material: Jean fabric + embroidered fabric

Code: TC12TX

Dimensions: 37 x 40 cm

Hotline: 0909 06 25 28

If you are in Vietnam, please contact us via the hotline or our Nha May Man business fanpage to know the selling price in Vietnam.

We are pleased to introduce to you the FBTCJE07 fashion bag – a unique product with profound humanitarian value. The FBTCJE07 bag is made from a combination of jean fabric and embroidered fabric, offering durability and a distinctive fashion style. With dimensions of 37 x 40 cm, this bag is spacious enough to carry all the essentials for an active day.

What makes it even more special is that the FBTCJE07 fashion bag is handmade by disabled individuals at Nha May Man. Each bag is a product of the effort, love, and passion of these exceptional artisans.

The FBTCJE07 fashion bag is the perfect companion for women in all daily activities. You can use this bag for work, leisure, or strolling around town. The durable jean and embroidered fabric not only look beautiful but also easily match with various outfits, from dynamic and edgy to gentle and feminine styles. Let the FBTCJE07 bag be a unique fashion highlight for your attire.

Each FBTCJE07 fashion bag is not only a unique fashion item but also a meaningful gift that brings joy and hope to the disabled individuals at Nha May Man. When you purchase this product, you are not only owning a beautiful and durable bag but also contributing to supporting, creating jobs, and helping those in difficult circumstances.

Join us in spreading love and sharing by supporting the FBTCJE07 fashion bag. Your support not only brings joy to yourself but also contributes to positive changes in the lives of disabled individuals. Buy now to join hands in building a more compassionate and happier community.