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A month volunteering trip of CASIRA group

In December 2018, the members of CASIRA spent one month at Maison Chance for a volunteering trip. This is a way to make your journey more meaningful when you can travel and do something good at the same time.

For their two first weeks, the group has spent their time at the Social Center in Dak Nong. Up to now, 85% of the construction work has been finish and we have started some new projects. Gardening comes first. With the help of group CASIRA, we prepare the land for planting vegetable within the center. The products from this garden will improve the self-sufficiency of the center. The beneficiaries from now on can produce good to add more value to their daily meals.

As we are developing equine therapy, a cutting-edge therapy that use horse in treatment for people with disabilities, CASIRA has sponsored us a horse which will be name Casie, after the name of the association. They have also contributed to the installation of the drinking water filter system.

After Dak Nong, the group continued their trip in Saigon where they stayed at the Village Chance. Within two weeks, they repainted the primary school and the kitchen.

Within their trip to Vietnam, CASIRA has had an occasion to discover the mountainous area of Vietnam and the delta Mekong. Besides, they have experienced and share the life of our beneficiaries at Maison Chance and helped them to improve their living condition.

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