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Art Exhibition In Early Spring Of Dog Year

Inspired by the fresh air of the spring, the eager artists of Maison Chance enjoy to create their new work.

From the talent brushes of the abnormal hands, the love for the life has exploded, sometimes it is wild and free with the contrast of colorful plates, but sometimes it is so tender and sweet with the of fragile and cheerful touches, every feelings are explained vividly by the works which are being exhibited appreciatively at Cung Van Hoa Lao Dong, HCMC.

The Opening Session of this exhibition was held on the night of 24/2/2018 with the presence of the famous MC, Thanh Bach; the Swiss Artist, founder of Maison Chance NGO, Ms. Tim Aline Rebeaud and Director of Cung Van Hoa Lao Dong, Mr. Le Hong Trieu. The shows of artists from Cung Van Hoa Lao Dong and Maison Chance contributed meaningfully to the spring excitement.

MC Thanh Bach who led the show sprightly and charmingly also drove the auction successfully with three paintings. Season of Red Flower (Mua Hoa Do) and Sharp of Spring (Dang Xuan) of Do Minh Tam and Nguyen Dinh Duong reached the price of VND10,000,000 while Spring with Mom of Nguyen Van Chien reached VND20,000,000.

Maison Chance appreciates the generosity of donors who bought these pictures. We have recognized that you joined the auction not only for your love for art of painting but also because you are aware how hard these artists tried.

The exhibition is open for everyone, you should visit us for a while. You can find small cute stuffed animals which are well prepared by brocade fabric, bamboo dragon flies or tiny wooden deckchairs if you wish to support us. The exhibition will end at 1/3/2018.

Maison Chance wish to have your attention. From the house of happiness and creation, best wishes are sent to you for A Wonderful New Year.

Translate: Thuc Anh