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Podiatrists Without Borders at Maison Chance

On Monday, 5th August 2019, the Association of Podiatrists Without Borders – founded in 2013 in Quebec – offered medical expertise to Maison Chance recipients. For the seventh consecutive year, Thanh Liem Nguyen, founder of the association, independent podiatrist and professor at the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières, visited us together with students of the podiatric medicine program. The association has two objectives: Firstly, the free treatment of patients in developing countries, and secondly, to pass on specialized knowledge to health professionals in these countries and provide them with the necessary tools to operate in the long term.

A great opportunity for Maison Chance, which currently have no doctor specialized in podiatry. Our doctor and nurses were present to assist the podiatrists and learn more in this field.

There are some diseases in Vietnam which are rather seldom in countries like Canada. At Maison Chance, many of the beneficiaries, some are quite young, suffer from lower limb paralysis and cannot move without wheelchairs. The long-term collaboration between our two organizations allows regular follow-ups of certain patients, but also prepares the students of Podiatrists Without Borders to enhance their practice and treat the symptoms of our beneficiaries. Thanks to them, some of their aches and pains have been relieved.

The group of Canadians arrived on Sunday night and were hosted by one of our beneficiaries. After having dinner in a local restaurant and a walk to the neighborhood, they spent the night in our guesthouses at Village Chance. The whole Monday was dedicated to the treatment of patients at the Take Wing Center. With the aid of several translators, the students generated diagnoses and proposed appropriate therapies. Their supervisor Liem explained methods and techniques for treatments according to particular cases. After taking care of about 50 people, the group of podiatrists left us to continue their Vietnam tour and look after other disadvantaged people in need.

A big thank you to everyone for your visit. We hope to welcome you again next year!

Translation: Nelli