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In tribute to my Friend Luciano

On November the 6th, 2012, a Tuesday morning, I received a call from Tina, a friend from Basel (Switzerland), who is also the mother of a 25 years old boy suffering of cerebral palsy (Moritz, a charming young man). Tina called to tell me that our common friend, Luciano Pellegrini was at death’s door. A few hours later, I received the confirmation of his death!

My dear Luciano, the announcement of your death was a shock and left me incredulous and sad. I never imagined that you could leave us! You were one of my best friends; you helped me ask the right questions, you supported me, listened to me, and encouraged me. You trusted me and helped me to move forward. You were an example of goodness; you had a large vision, a relevant look. You were passionate by the life; you were not afraid of anything and kept your words. You were part of the people for whom I will always have a deep admiration.

All these years, you found the sponsor to bring wheelchairs to the disabled people of Maison Chance in Vietnam, one of the largest funding for the construction of the Take Wing Center; you annually ordered products made by the disabled beneficiaries for Basaid’s/Novartis sales; you recommended me to purchase the adapted equipment of the Village Chance…

Knowing that I will not see you again in this life brings tears to my eyes, hurts me. This emotion is very strong, but I am not downcast. Instead, the paralyzing sadness turned into a powerful and positive anger to fight the injustices of the life, the passivity, the laziness and the selfishness.

Thank you for the friendship and the trust you gave me during all these years. We talked about big things, about helping the society’s development. We did beautiful things together! You were also a confident who always worried about the health of Tim’s heart…

Thank you for all the things you taught me, thank you for everything you gave to the others during your life. In my heart, you will remain a source of power to keep on doing my best.

I hope you are now in a place of peace and serenity.

See you my Friend, somewhere…

Tim Aline Rebeaud