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Maison Chance Dak Nong welcomes the children back

Last May 17, it appeared that Maison Chance Dak Nong pupils would have a one-month ...

Smartphones for 58 underprivileged students

Since the summer break in Vietnam, the Covid-19 pandemic struck for the fourth time, lasting ...

Maison Chance provided a second wave of food aid

To help impoverished student families in Saigon City cope with Covid-19, Maison Chance provided a ...

Don’t let the covid-19 pandemic deprive the underprivileged children of their right to an education

Since 1995, Maison Chace has provided educational classes in the Saigon suburbs for orphans and ...

Share to be shared !

Saigon is currently in its fourth and incoming fifth social distancing period, with each set ...

Updated progress photos at the Take Wing Center

After a long time of being flooded every time it rains heavily, causing inconvenience to ...

New Beginnings – La Van Thanh

There were many happy memories of my time at the shelter, but one, in particular, ...

The flood at the Take Wing Center

The Take Wing Center has long been flooded after heavy rains due to ground and ...

The Drawing Competition at Maison Chance Daknong

On 12/12/2020, Maison Chance Center in Dak Nong Province honorably welcomed the General Director of ...

Maison Chance open a baking class for the underprivileged

To facilitate people in difficult circumstances to have a stable income job, Maison Chance organized ...